Sunday, April 7, 2013



By Dr. Mark W. Tong
Author of “Prevent Cancer”

           As a spiritual healer at an alternative cancer treatment center,  I work with cancer patients on a daily basis.  Many of these patients are women with breast cancer.  Through working with these women, I have discovered what does not cause the cancer and what does.

         First of all, what doesn’t cause cancer?  Diet.  We all know of the women who had the perfect diet, she might have even been vegetarian or vegan, and she still ended up developing breast cancer.  Then again, you may know the person who does not eat well, is overweight and does not develop an “issue” with breast cancer at all.  In studying and working with hundreds of patients, it’s obvious that diet is not a “common characteristic” among cancer patients.  Diet does however play an important role in building the immune system for the healing of cancer patients, but it is not the cause of cancer. 

          So then is it genetics?  No.  Modern medicine believes and teaches us that since your parents had it, or mother had “it”, or grandmother had “it”, then you're most likely to develop “it”. But then again, you have a sister, or a cousin who never developed “it”. Or if genetics is a major player in developing cancer, then why don’t identical twins, with identical DNA develop the exact same disease? What about the identical twins, they have the identical DNA, but only less than 7% of the identical twins develop the identical disease.  What does travel from generation to generation is the idea, or the thought, of thee disease.  This, added with the emotion of fear and possibly other significant, traumatizing events tied to past emotions and fear, can lead to dis-ease and cancer.
          So we put a lot of merit into diet, genetics, and exercise, but in all three areas, there are patients where they had no family history of cancer, they ate very well and might have even been vegetarian, and they exercised and were in great shape, but they still ended up developing cancer.  Over the years, however, there have been many studies completed on what causes cancer, but the most popular study, by Bruce Lipton, is the Biology of Belief.  The idea behind this study is that cells respond to emotions. Disease equals not being at ease.  What was discovered is that the type of emotions, or emotional event, equals the type of disease.  The type of disease equals the type of unease. Here's the most compelling, convincing discovery: 100% of patients studied had a significant emotional event or series of events that led to or manifested into the disease.  What was also revealed was that with 100% of the patients had an emotional significant event within 30 days of the first symptom.

          The emotion that's tied most closely with the breast issue is betrayal. Whether it's a spouse or significant other, a family member, a friend, co-worker, or somebody who belongs to the same association or groups that you do, betrayal always a part.  The studies showed that patients are not at ease with family members, and it even though it might not necessarily be betrayal, it might just be an ongoing behavior that makes the patient not at ease.  Family members could include a child, a spouse, or their parents. We also found that when family members are moving in or out of the household, either there's an addition to the household, or a subtraction to the household, it also leads to not being at ease. One must also consider that there's self-betrayal where the patient is actually the person who betrayed and they find themselves “self-punishing”. 

          Another consideration is the patient who manifests a breast issue in order to get on the priority list or to gain the attention of a spouse or a family member. Consciously you might think that someone would never do that, but remember, unconsciously and subconsciously, dis-ease is an option.  .
          Breast cancer is caused by a significant emotional event(s), it usually involving an issue of betrayal, or a family issue, making you not at ease.

          So what can you do to prevent cancer?  Bring awareness of your thoughts and unease.  Get professional help and address your emotional/physical issues immediately.  You can get your personal copy of Prevent Cancer on, or go to our website:  Experience meditations and keys to wellness on my YouTube Channel at:

          I wish you great health!           
